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Healthcare II

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Healthcare III

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Healthcare IV

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Healthcare V

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Coming Soon

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Healthcare Services

Our portfolio partner contact centers provide compassionate care management with the goal of creating a smooth frictionless patient experience. 
  • Telehealth 
  • Medical product support
  • Care management Services
  • Revenue cycle management
  • Health plan services
  • Wellness programs
  • IT mobile app support

Security and Privacy

Our call center portfolio partners adhere to rigorous regulatory compliance measures, including HIPAA, SOC II, and PCI requirements. We ensure privacy through the utilization of thin clients, which bolster online security and protect medical records. All agents undergo thorough background verifications and are vetted for essential soft skills, like empathy and patience, foundational for a healthcare specialist role.
If you are interested in our partners' services, book a free consultation so we can open a discussion.

Call Center Profiles

  • Each has 15 + years of experience
  • 400-2600 agents
  • Entrepreneurial & privately owned 
  • Serving public and private companies
  • PCI/SOC 1-2/HIPAA certifications
  • Affordable rates
  • References available upon request
  • Experienced management teams

Call Center Services

  • Secure cloud-based servers
  • 24/7/365 operations available
  • Voice, Email, Text, Chat, IVR, Social
  • Dedicated or shared agents
  • Custom knowledge base optional
  • English, Spanish, French languages
  • Choice of agent location
  • Volume discounts available

Client Testimonials for Our Partners

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Head of Patient Support

I cannot stress enough how much we appreciate the communication ... A true testament to the partnership.

I bring items to you guys before we make a plan because I know you will help us do this the best way possible

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The quick thinking action of your call center agent in getting emergency help  for our patient  and the empathy displayed was a credit to your training and the people you hire.

Patient Account Manager

Senior Support Manager 

Download our informative brochure here
Free Cost Proposal
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